(Master’s Thesis at NIT Rourkela, India)
⮚ Synthesis using a modified sol-gel process, and its Characterizations.
⮚ Structural and Dielectric properties of Ca modified BaTiO3.
(Summer Internship at IIT Bhubaneswar, India)
⮚ Hydrothermal Synthesis and characterizations of CuWO4 and Graphene reduced CuWO4 nanostructures
⮚ Electrode preparation and supercapacitor application using Cyclic voltammetry.
(Summer Internship at CSIR-IMMT, Bhubaneswar)
⮚ Hydrothermal and Microwave synthesis of CuO nanostructures
⮚ Electrochemical measurements and their correlation with the morphology
⮚ Application of the prepared materials as glucose sensors
Presented Poster on “Temperature induced electrical properties of BST thin film” at 2nd International Conference on Advances on Nanomaterials and Devices for Energy and Environment (CANDEE) held at ABV-IIITM, Gwalior, India. [2023 (DEC)] [BEST POSTER AWARD]
Attended the “School on Fundamental Crystallography and Workshop on Rietveld Refinement Analysis (SFCWRRA-2023)” held at NIT Rourkela, India.[ 2023 (JUL)]
2022 (MAR): Short talk at Quality Improvement Programme (QIP) held at IIT Indore
2022 (SEP): Invited Oral Presentation at 5th Virtual Congress on Materials Science & Engineering held online.
2021 (NOV): Oral Presentation at International Conference on Technologies for Smart Green Connected Society 2021 (ICTSGS)
2021 (MAR): Oral Presentation at International Conference on Current Trends in Material Science and Engineering (CTMSE)
2021 (FEB): Poster Presentation at International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN)
2020 (AUG): Participated in International Webinar on Frontiers in Experimental Physics (IWFEP)
2019 (DEC): Oral Presentation at 2nd International Conference on processing and characterization of materials (ICPCM) held at NIT-Rourkela
2017 (SEPT): International School on Fundamental Crystallography and Workshop on Structural Phase Transitions: A Satellite School of 24th IUCr Congress, 2017 at National Institute of Technology, Rourkela.
X-Ray Diffraction (Bruker D2 Phaser)
Raman Spectrometer (Horiba made LabRAM HR Evolution)
Dielectric spectrometer (Newton's 4th Ltd. phase-sensitive multimeter)
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (Supra55 Zeiss)
Atomic Force Microscope/Piezo Force Microscope (Park Systems)
PE Loop Tracer (Marine India)
UV-Vis Spectrometer (Researchgate India)
RF Sputtering
Sputter Coater, Spin Coater, Muffle and Tube Furnaces